Monday, August 1, 2011

key holder

I don't know if I've said this yet, but I love Pinterest! I can't get enough! I don't know what I will do once school starts and I won't be able to pin things constantly. Maybe I can find ways to keep my students busy while I pin things. I probably wouldn't get in trouble right? Especially if I explain to my principal?

Anyways, I saw a cool thing where you use skeleton keys and make necklaces with them. So I went antiquing and found some awesome keys at this crazy store on Congress. I know I made fun of that guy I met at that one antique store, but I am officially in LOVE with skeleton keys. I think I will continue to buy them because they are just so cool! I'm not as crazy as him talking about the day of yore, but I do have a serious love for these keys now. After looking through pinterest more, thinking about other crafts I want to do I decided I also wanted to make some sort of hey holder to hang on the wall. When I saw this key holder (scroll to almost the end of her post), I started thinking about ways I could use the keys in a similar way instead of making necklaces with them.

Then it hit me, shadow box! So I went and bought more keys (I talked myself out of buying this amazing key that was $40), a shadow box, and got to work. My supplies:

Since some of the keys were dark, I was afraid some of them would not look as great with the black felt. So I got some of the fabric I had left over from another pinterest find, and used that to back the keys. I used sewing pins to hold everything down, including the fabric. After arranging the keys, all I had to do at that point was screw in the hooks and hang it!

Finished product.

I love my latest craft! Especially since this was the first craft I've made totally from my own idea (well...with some inspiration from others).

Sidenote: One of the blogs I read, Young House Love did a Pinterest challenge, and I happened to already be in the midst of this project when it was posted! Check out their blog for all the cool things their other readers have created.

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