Thursday, October 1, 2015


Remember that kid who stomped on my foot? We wrote apology poems and he wrote one for me. 
That thing after the PPS is a winky face. 

true story

I had patio dismissal duty last week when one of my students from last year came up to show me the water bottle she brought to school. 
Kid: What's Margaritaville?
Me: Ask your mom. 
Kid: Is it bad? I just saw it in the cabinet and grabbed it. 

I then, dying laughing, proceeded to text her parents this picture. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

showing what you know

The first two weeks of school we were leaning about matter. The different states, how it can change, etc. before moving on we took a quick quiz. 
I'm pretty sure she meant pencil...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

new year

So I'm the worst. It's been forever since I posted. But to be fair, nothing has happened because I broke my foot 10 weeks ago like an dummy and couldn't do anything for awhile. However, that's about to change since it's a new school year and I have new ridiculous kids to quote. 

Last week I was walking around putting the kids backpack numbers on their name name tags. 
Kid: why are you putting hashtag 16 on my thing?

And then today a different kid said: what is this tic tac toe looking thing on my paper?
Me (laughing): that's a number sign. You need to put your number after it. 
Kid (unsure): ok. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

lesson learned

Me: Hey, you just stomped on my foot. 
Kid: It's not my fault, your foot was where I was walking. 
Me: No way man, my foot was there first and you took up my space with your foot. 
Kid: You know Ms. Ewing, I think you learned a valuable lesson today. You probably shouldn't wear flip flops to school. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

uh oh

Kid: how's your boyfriend?
Me: He's not my boyfriend, but he's good. I told him you've been calling me Queen Ewing, and that you brought me flowers the other day. He said he might have to come up and talk to you about that. 
Kid: (after he stopped laughing he got really serious.) Does he know I'm spending the night with you tomorrow at the lock in? He might get mad. 

Friday, May 15, 2015


Kid: I don't understand pinstagram. 
Me: That's not what it's called. 
Kid: I guess that's why I don't know how to pin stuff.