Friday, June 24, 2011

my first turkey

After leaving Shreveport, I went to Dallas to spend the night with my friend Pat. Something must have been in the air because a lot of strange things happened while I was there. We decided to get our nails done, and the ladies who did our nails did an....interesting job. My fingernail polish was uneven and you can see the lines. Also she decided to trim my toenails which I didn't mind. However, she decided to trim some, and not others. She also decided to trim one at an angle making my toe look crooked. As we were paying and getting ready to leave someone started getting their face waxed. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE. Obviously I took a picture because I didn't think anyone would believe me.

After that we went and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I loved their music, it was a blend of tejano and japanese pan pipes. After that we met her cousin and his wife to go bowling. I love to bowl, and am awful at it. There aren't many games I will play knowing I won't win, just ask my friends. (I can be a little competitive, although it has calmed over the years.) Pat and I decided to try new throws: left handed (I almost fell over), granny roll, spin rolls, and the correct way to bowl. (That last one was mine, I don't have the correct leg forward when bowling.) 

On our last game we noticed a large angry bowling lady. She was throwing her bowling ball like she wanted to kill it, complete with an angry face. Right when Pat's cousin made us aware of her, we watched her bowl and then walk towards her table and throw a drink in her friends face! During this Pat threw a strike and was mad we were more enthralled in the angry bowler throwing a drink in someones face. The girl stormed off and left with her bowing shoes on. 

Somehow that angry bowler changed my game. I had my best game ever because of her! I even got a turkey!! I rarely get one strike, let alone 3, in a row! I usually just barely break 100, and this game I got a 151! Again, I didn't think anyone would believe me so I took a picture.

Apparently lots of drama improves my bowling game. Next time I go bowling I'll make someone throw a drink in someones face that way I'll get another turkey. 

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