Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Let me start off by saying I have never really been into baseball. My high school was known for their baseball team, and I honestly could have cared less. Because of this, I don't really know much about it, and I have a lot of comments and questions. (I have been to Astros games, and I did go to some high school games, I also got tickets to a UT game last year from one of my student's parents, so I'm not a total idiot when it comes to baseball.) So Sunday my parents (who are really into baseball) got tickets to the UT vs. Arizona State baseball game. Before we got to the game I asked what this game meant, and who we were playing. (These seemed like things I should know before going.) So if we won the game we were going to Omaha and would play in hopes of becoming champions of...the world I'm guessing. National Championships? Honestly, even now I don't really know and they told me. Like I said, I don't know anything about baseball and don't really care. Why go if I don't care? Why not. I'll watch a live baseball game if UT is playing. And the game seemed like a big deal.

Let's start with the fans. They are CRAZY! Constantly yelling at the players and the other team's players. The saddest and funniest was when the ENTIRE stadium started booing the Arizona pitcher. There was one old dude up front that kept trying to get the stadium to yell Texas fight, and it only worked about twice. 

In the first inning a lady got beaned in the head by a foul ball! It was crazy. The entire stadium yelled "oh!" when it happened. They even had to have the EMS people come down and check it out. She didn't leave so she must have been fine. I also love that the crowd always cheers when someone gets the foul ball like they tried really hard to get it. Do you think the crowd still cheers when it's some old beer bellied dude grabbing it from a kids hand?

Also why do people change seats all the time? This one dude kept going from sitting in front of us, to about 5 rows in front, and then back. Other people would start out in one seat, go get drinks and go to a different seat, and then move again before they finished eating their food. Why is this allowed? Your ticket says what seat you need to be in. Why do you have the need to move when you aren't even moving to a seat that's much better?

During the 7th inning stretch we sung Take Me Out to the Ballgame like always. Afterwards they put on some Cotton Eyed Joe sound alike song and some big dude pulled out the wimpiest water gun and started spraying it in the air in time with the music. It was really weird. If I had been near him and he squirted me I would have been annoyed.

What's up with half of the stadium wearing headphones? You are at the game! Use your eyeballs and you won't need the headphones. Also why are you writing down the stats of the game? Again, use your eyeballs and look on the scoreboard! 

Proof my dad, an OU grad, truly loves UT

Omaha bound!

Not only was it a really fun game and we won, but more importantly we were on the jumbo tron! It was my first experience on one of those things. It was a pretty cool thing to have happened. See you again next year college baseball. Maybe. If I get free tickets.

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