Monday, February 8, 2010

first day of training

So today was my first official day of training. (I've run a little, but not enough to really say I started my training.) I even had my brand new running shoes to run in.

The RunTex people are really funny watching you walk and run in order to help you get the best shoes for the way you run. I wonder if the guy helping me has a foot fetish? I mean he looks at feet all day, he must.


  1. Do they make you run in place? And how do you know how to train for this? Do you have a boss?

  2. i am currently training myself. crissy told me what to do, and then i looked up a training program that gets you ready for a 5k which is what im working on now. if i dont feel like im getting as far as i think i should be ill join a running group. i might do that anyway to meet people this summer.

  3. First of all, congratulations, Court. Secondly, I remember changing my running gait so the RunTex people would let me buy a better looking pair of shoes instead of the ugly ones that I "qualified" for.

    Secondly, joining a run group in the summer is a good idea bc you will meet tons of people that will force you to keep running...and then go drinking afterwards.

    Thirdly, all I have is my iPhone right now and Reb's post was too long to read and reply. I'll get to her when I get the Internets.
