Thursday, February 18, 2010

balding at 26

Yes, you read that correctly. I have had thin hair all of my life. This Thanksgiving I saw some pictures of me and noticed the top of my head looked a little thinner than normal:

I was nervous, but I was only 25, do I really need to worry about going bald? Apparently I do according to Ben, one of the second grade teachers sons who is in first grade. I was sitting on the carpet and he was telling me all about vampire bats as he sat in a chair behind me. He stopped mid screech (the vampire bat's noise of course) to say, "Ms. Ewing, I think you're losing your hair up here."

Thanks Ben. The honesty of children. Hearing this I knew it was time and that my denial was now over. After running at the gym I stopped by the pharmacy and asked someone what I needed to help me get my hair back. They recommended this:

There are several things that worry me about this. The first being the weird crystal on the front. The second is that they are drops and I have to drink it with water. Finally, on the back every claim they make as an asterisk next to it which if you looked at the bottom it says: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration." Awesome, so I have something that may or may not help me.

At this point I guess I should be willing to try anything. Thanks a lot genetics for making me bald at 26. Maybe I should start looking for good white girl wig lines...I wonder if you can put these drops in beer?


  1. a) Ben is hilarious!
    b) I had this EXACT same conversation with Charlie 4 days ago. He saw a picture of himself and spiraled into depression.
    c) Your hair loss could be related to stress-although I am sure there is NO stress in your life, especially not at work.
    d) That box is very creepy!--you sure there are no long-term side effects? Like polka dot skin? Or becoming a wax person like the lady on the back?
    e) You really don't look like you are balding in person.

  2. i appreciate you saying i dont look like im balding in person, but you dont see me everyday anymore! ben does, so i think he has a better idea about my bald head. haha

  3. Ben is going down! I will beat him up when I see

  4. Um...I don't know why you are even suggesting that you need to "start looking for good white girl wig lines." I would expect you of all people to be fully aware that Kim "Don't be tardy for the party" Zolciak started her own wig line last year. Just ask Nene if you don't believe me.

  5. i'd love to see you in a white girl wig. i hope your first day wearing one is on my wedding day. go red!

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