Monday, September 26, 2011

i like big butts

This post might be TMI for some, but my sister just wrote a post that was TMI so I figured I should follow suit. So I decided I needed to face something that couldn't be denied any longer. My butt is getting bigger. How do I know you ask? Because I am living in a constant wedgie. I googled "bigger butts and running" and came across an article on Livestrong  titled "The Best Ways to Get a Big Butt" with this terrifying quote:


Outside of being a great cardio workout, running tones your lower body, giving you a bigger, rounder butt. To increase the butt-building potential of a running workout, add sprints, stairs or hills.

Awesome. All I did this summer was sprints and hill drills. And now I'm training for another half marathon. My butt is doomed! I'm hoping that it's getting bigger because of running and not because it's just getting fatter. I guess I need to go shopping this weekend.


  1. hahaha, that picture of those panties are ridiculous!

  2. It felt like the most appropriate picture for what's happening back there. haha
