Tuesday, April 24, 2012

i heart hoarders

On the first day I arrived in Houston, I learned something amazing. Apparently our neighbor is a hoarder! According to my dad, he met the lady that comes once a week, month, I can't remember how often now, but he met the lady that comes and cleans her house! The lady's daughter has someone come to clean out a room at a time. Well, of course Rebecca and I had to investigate. It started with some harmless looking over the fence. Things to note that I saw, one window was slightly open with a piece of cardboard over the opening and some weird vent thing coming out. Another thing was this insane rooster sculpture in the backyard. If Miles knew how to talk, I would have totally dropped him over the fence so he could report back what he had seen.

Clearly looking over the fence wasn't good enough. We needed a better vantage point. So of course the binoculars came out. No one (meaning Rebecca or I) wanted to get on the roof, so I just got in my dad's truck  and hoped no one would see me.

The next night at dinner we started hatching all of these plans on how we could get a look inside. The first great idea was for me to walk up and ask if they needed any help inside the house, like cleaning or maintenance. Yeah, that was going to work. We were then going to send my dad over and to start talking to them while Rebecca and I snuck around back. Finally mom spoke up and said, "It doesn't really matter because the wife speaks Spanish." Come on mom, that would have been helpful earlier. So the new plan was to send mom over there to talk to her while we snuck in the back.

After dinner mom and I went on a quick walk because I was curious about a plant and I knew she would know what it was. On the way back I noticed all their windows were open on the side of the house by the drive way. PERFECT! Later that night, once it got dark, Rebecca and I walked over and ran up the drive way. We looked into all of the windows and to our disappointment it looked totally normal! We were pretty upset. We're now just hoping those are the rooms that lady cleaned and the rest of her house is really crazy. I guess we'll never know. That is unless we are somehow able to sneak in and look around. At least no one was caught or arrested. There's always next time though!

1 comment:

  1. haha, LOVE it! I wish there was a picture of you on the roof. Don't worry, next time I come up, I'll be that person.
