Thursday, May 26, 2011

deodorant really isn't that expensive

I walked into CVS today to get a few things and the first thing I see is this kid who looks no older than 14 pull up his shirt, and apply deodorant. No big deal. Weird, but no big deal. And then he PUT IT BACK ON THE SHELF. For real. How desperate can a 14 year old be? He wasn't with a girl, so it's not like he freaked out and was worried about his smell. Also did he go in only to steal a few swipes of deodorant? Or did he go in for something else and realized he stunk?

Moral of the story? Check your deodorant before you buy it to make sure that kid didn't give it a test run.

1 comment:

  1. I was at a little caesars buffet (shut) once and saw a kid pull the serving spoon out of the pudding, eat a huge bite, and replace it. I'm like, you know that not only is that shit free, its unlimited if you just go get yourself a plate.
