Thursday, June 17, 2010


For the past 2 days I've been at a technology training. Basically we learned about new stuff we'll be getting in our classroom and a bunch of really cool websites we can integrate into our classroom. One of my favorites is blabberize. Below is a rant by Andy Rooney.

And here is the one I created on blabberize with a rant I bet Andy Rooney either has, or will do at some point. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So I was at the grocery store looking for peach nectar when I came across Yumberry Juice. Now I had never heard of such a berry, so I was confused. Looking at the front it looks like the berry is a cross of a raspberry and a strawberry. I decided to look at the ingredient list to see if it was a mixture of these and other berries to help clear up my confusion. Reading the ingredients I started thinking my assumption was correct and it was a combination of fruit. Until I got to the words "organic yumberry juice..." I still don't understand. What is a yumberry?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

february 20, 2011

It's official! I signed up last night for my half marathon. There's no backing out now. EEK!! I guess this means I need to officially get back on track with my running since it faltered those last few weeks of school. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

spa day

Oh. My. God. I have never been so relaxed in my entire life! My class gave me a very generous gift certificate to Milk + Honey for my birthday and I have been waiting to use it. I got the m + h Retreat which included an hour massage, a facial that lasted an hour (with shoulder, arm and hand massages in between masks), and a manicure and pedicure (with leg and feet massages and hot towel wraps) which lasted about an hour and a half. I went in at 9 and left at 1:30. Everything was so amazing and relaxing! And then I got to my manicure. At this point I was so relaxed I didn't want to talk, but my manicurist decided that wouldn't happen. 

She was very nice, and we were just small talking, until she found out I was a teacher. She started to tell me about her nephew and how strange he is, and how she doesn't think his teachers like him. She then went on to tell me her sister sent him to live with their brother for an entire year because she said he crossed his legs funny and she was worried he was gay. Apparently the fix to that was to send him to live with a man who is also a mechanic. That will get the gay out of him. She kept going on and on about how he crosses his legs funny, and she and her sister refuse to let him meet their gay friends. They're afraid he will meet them and become gay if he isn't already. She sure is lucky I'm not a lesbian. Otherwise I would've slapped her across the face with my newly painted nails. I then half pretended to sleep during my pedicure so we wouldn't have to talk about her gay nephew.

Since I got home all I have done is sleep and lay around. It has been a pretty fantastic summer day!

Monday, June 7, 2010

my past 2 weekends

Here's what you missed...

Last weekend Heather had her annual crawfish boil! Sadly I couldn't eat these, but I partook (is that the right word?) in the drinking.

Brandon thought it would be hilarious to soak us with the hose. Soon after there was quite a lot of falling, cussing, and more drinking.

This weekends activities...
Friday I finally upgraded from this giant thing to this. I thought it was time since my ancient iPod doesn't even hold a charge anymore, and running with my phone is too annoying.

On Saturday I ran in my 2nd 5k! Em ran it with me and I ran it in 37:05, 2 minutes faster than my last race. (Although dad said he thought I was going to die at the finish line because I looked so tired and hot.)

Did I forget to mention it was the gay pride run? These were the fairies that ran around cheering us on. And no, I am not being mean and calling them fairies because they're gay and they were prancing around, they were calling themselves the fairies of the race.

There was also a costume contest (of course) for their a day at the beach theme. Two dudes even ran the entire race holding a hammock between them with an inflatable banana in it.

On Sunday my parents, Nichole and I FINALLY finished painting our portables!! If my parents hadn't come in to help us we probably wouldn't even be halfway through painting!