We started the rest of our week off by playing with this insane bubble maker. This video I was able to get makes me so happy!
The next day we went to the beach! Apparently Miles could have cared less last year going to the beach. But this time he loved it! At one point he started jumping up and down saying, "It's fun at the beach!"
Miles and I
We stomped on castles we made.
Dug holes and sat in them.
And checked out the ladies that passed by.
After we went home and Miles napped, he and I played in the backyard together.
He said he was done so we changed him into regular clothes. I guess he wasn't done after all. I think he did this one more time as well. Lesson learned? Dump out the pool when he says he's done. Or just don't ever change him out of his swim diaper.
I got to babysit him a few times while I was there, and we had a blast every time! We went to several different parks, chased after birds, chased each other up and down hills, played with the water fountain, and of course looked for cool sticks to take home. The first time we did this, I started laughing when we got home because he immediately opened the garage door and put his stick in a basket full of his sticks. I wonder what he does with them after collecting them?
Oh yeah, we also took pictures together. Duh.
The last night I babysat him we were playing in the basement, and he started doing this:
I laughed so hard he kept doing it, so I took a video. The last day I was there we headed to Little Gym for awards day, or show off your kid day, who the hell knows what it was called. It was bonkers in there! Tons of parents, and nannies, grandparents, and yes, an aunt. Miles and his best friend Jack couldn't care less about the class. They ran around doing their own thing the whole time. When it was time for the awards ceremony, Miles wanted nothing to do with the medal or standing on the "podium." We finally got him up there with Jack, and I took this funny picture of Jack telling Miles what he was supposed to be doing.
That afternoon Kelly and her little one, Annie, came for a visit! She was so cute, and it was great seeing Kelly! We got Miles' old bouncer thing out for Annie, and after awhile we decided to go for a walk to help her get to sleep.
When I came back from my walk Miles was awake and found a new spot to hang out.
That thing looked like it was going to break under his weight! Rebecca and I were cracking up, and he was pretty pleased with himself. It was definitely sad to say goodbye to this kid!
Miles' (and my) favorite thing I taught him to say?
That's right kid. You stick around me, and I'll teach you what you need to learn.